christ n. 1.【基督教】 〔the Christ〕 救世主。 2.基督〔原为 Jesus 的称号,用作 Jesus the Christ,后来才变成 Jesus Christ 这一固有名词〕。 Before Christ 公元前〔略作 B. C.〕。 in Christ's name 究竟〔强调语气〕 (What in Christ's name are you doing out there 你究竟是在那里干什么)。 to Christ 真正,十分 (I do hope to Christ he isn't going. 他真的不去就好了)。 int. 〔俚语〕哎呀! 岂有此理!〔表惊愕、愤怒等〕。 Christ, it's cold. 真冷呀!
child n. (pl. children ) 1.孩子,儿童,胎儿,婴儿。 2.孩子气的人,幼稚的人。 3.子孙;后裔;(空想等的)产物。 4.追随者,崇拜者,弟子。 5.某个时代的产物。 a forward child早熟[慧]儿。 a male [female] child男[女]孩。 a natural child私生子。 a spoilt child宠子,娇儿。 The child is father of [to] the man. 从小看大。 Don't be a child! 不要孩子气! fancy's children 想像的产物,空想。 child of fortune 幸运儿。 child of nature 自然的宠儿;天真的人。 child of the devil 魔鬼之子,恶人。 as a child在幼年时代。 drag up a child 〔口语〕把孩子拉扯大。 from a child 自幼。 own a child 承认自己是孩子的父亲。 this child 〔美俚〕我,鄙人。 with child 怀孕。 adj. -like 孩子似的;天真烂漫的,直率的,老实的。 n. 蔡尔德〔姓氏〕。
They got there and when they reached the christ child , what did they do 他们到那里去,看见耶稣基督他们立时做甚么?
I ' m carrying the christ child 我怀上了基督
With the christ child 怀上了基督
Many of our christmas traditions were celebrated centuries before the christ child was born 远在耶稣诞生前人们就开始庆祝这个节日了。
There is a little star on the floor and we could see the place where the christ child lay 我们把婴孩放在马槽里,我们看见那就是婴孩基督出生的所在。
Frankincense and myrrh figured strongly in the bible as gifts to the christ child from the three wise men 《圣经》中,乳香和没药被认为是三个智者送给刚出生的耶稣的绝好礼物。
There s an old russian fable about the wise men on their journey to visit the christ child . and on their way they stop at this bed and breakfast 有一个俄罗斯童话故事说,谈到几位智者去探望一个孩子,他们曾住在一间旅店中。
Angels told them that the star was a sign of the christ child ' s birth , and so they followed the star to the stable to worship the baby jesus 天使曾告诉他们,星星是上帝之子诞生的预兆,于是他们随著星星来到马厩里敬拜了小耶稣。
Opposed to bowing to the christ child , christmas enthusiasts bow to materialism , completely ignoring all religious origins and implications 人们对圣诞节的极大热情并非由于婴儿基督,而是由于物质主义,他们完全忽略了圣诞节的所有宗教起源和寓意。